Update 30 December 2024
The focus of our program for the first half of 2025 is the Brundibár-reading-and gift-project. We are happy that General Music Director of the Bavarian State Opera Vladimir Jurowski has taken over the patronage for our project. He himself will read the children's book Brundibár. Wie Aninka und Pepíček den Leierkastenmann besiegten (Brundibár. How Aninka and Pepíček defeated the organ grinder) and play the piano next year in the Season 2025/26 in Munich. The organizer of this event with newly arranged music from Brundibár, is the Kulturforum München-West in cooperation with the State Opera and Room 28. As part of this event and as part of our events in Berlin, we are giving Ukrainian children a Ukrainian edition and Jewish children a Hebrew edition of the Brundibár-children's book and, as our event is for all children, every child receives a gift.
Our young guests experience the miraculous adventures of Aninka and Pepíček, who want to get milk for their sick mother, rush to the market but don't get milk from the milk seller because they have no money, and end up being chased out of the marketplace by the evil organ grinder Brundibár... What then happens when night falls and a sparrow, a cat and a dog join the children and hatch a plan is like a fairy tale. In the end, Aninka and Pepíček, together with the animals and the children of the town, have defeated Brundibár and chased the villain away from the market square! Because they stuck together; because friendship, justice and solidarity are the source of our strength!
Part of our event is, thanks to a member of Room 28 - a lovely barrel-organ with music from the opera Brundibár.
Brundibár production by stage-director Mstislav Pentkovsky in the Mariinsky Theatre in St. Petersburg 2017. He inspired to the Brundibár project. You can learn abvout the idea behind on the menue: Motifs
May 2025. Colloquium with Room 28 allies
Brundibár and The Girls of Room 28
Against historical forgetfulness and anti-Semitism
Room 28 allies, members and our “Brundibár Ambassador” Mstislav Penktovsky, Riga, meet to prepare the following event and to deepen our cooperation.
May 2025. Public Event
Brundibár and The Girls of Room 28
Against historical forgetfulness and anti-Semitism
Musical-scenic reading with actors, young people and the ensemble Zwockhaus and presentation of the new edition of the old book The Girls of Room 28, which is the basic element of the Room 28 Educational Project. The book is also a contribution to the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in 1945.
If you are interested in our projects please write to: hannelore.brenner@room28.net Telephone: (030) 691 83 95
Our first reading in a small circle was realized as a joint-venture with ArtEck-Janusz-Korczak-Bildungsstätte in Berlinon 29 June 2024. The music-teacher from Kiew Iryna Skriabina-Shphyl conducted workshops for young people and taught them some of the songs from the opera. Andreas Jocksch read from the book and sang the songs of Brundibár. Iryna Skriabina-Shphyl read the story in Ukrainian. We plan further events for Ukrainian children.