January 2025
The focus of our program for the first half of 2025 is the Brundibár-reading-and gift-project. We are happy that General Music Director of the Bavarian State Opera Vladimir Jurowski has taken over the patronage for our project. We are planning a reading for children, during which we are giving Ukrainian children a Ukrainian edition and Jewish children a Hebrew edition of the Brundibár-children's book and, since our event is for all children, all children will receive a gift. Our motto is. Friendship, justice, humanity and solidarity is the source of our strength.
An actor/actress will read the story, a singer will sing the songs of Brundibár and turn the crank of the organ grinder. Concert pianist Katarzyna Wasiak will play the piano. Some children, taught by Katarzyna, will sing some songs from the opera. We are delighted to have a great barrel organ with music from Brundibár for our event - thanks to a member of Room 28.
By the way: We are also taking other opportunities for a gift campaign. Perhaps you have some ideas? Then please write to us.
Here our Offer for Download (in German).
May 2025. Colloquium with Room 28 allies
Brundibár and The Girls of Room 28
Against historical forgetfulness and anti-Semitism
Room 28 allies, members and our “Brundibár Ambassador” Mstislav Penktovsky, Riga, meet to prepare the following event and to deepen our cooperation.
May 2025. Public Event
Brundibár and The Girls of Room 28
Against historical forgetfulness and anti-Semitism
Musical-scenic reading with actors, young people and the ensemble Zwockhaus and presentation of the new edition of the old book The Girls of Room 28, which is the basic element of the Room 28 Educational Project. The book is also a contribution to the 80th anniversary of the end of the Second World War in 1945.
You find more information ((in German) on the website Edition Room 28.
What did the "Girls of Room 28" experience before they were deported to the Theresienstadt ghetto? What happened in their home country when their lives were thrown off course in 1938/1939? The new module for the Room 28 Educational Project tells the historical context in which these girls grew up. It shows how the decisive events of the years 1938 to 1942 are reflected in what these girls experienced and, by interweaving political events and individual experiences, makes it possible to experience a chapter of German-Czech history at the time of the "Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia".
More on the website of Edition Room 28.
On June 29, we conducted a reading with music and singing for children aged 5 and up - in German and Ukrainian - at the J-ArtEck Jugendbildungsstätte (Youth Education Centre in Berlin). Iryna Skriabina-Shpyl (music teacher and singer from Kiew) conducted music-workshops for young people who sang some songs of the opera to the reading. Andreas Jocksch read the story and sang the songs of Brundibár.